Sunday, January 16, 2011

"The Book Quilt" was constructed in two parts, a lustra between them.
the surface is made of an old hardback romance novel that i found in a box on the side of the street in chelsea. I am compelled to remove books from the trash, seeing the raw material----not just words on paper--- the warm color of acid stained pages, the curling gray fonts, and the metallic edge.....and so with this book i cut it apart and glued it back together on one single plane, skimming, gleaning and reconstructing a new story from an old one. after the glue dried i tucked it away, thinking it was finished. i didn't look at it again for five years.
It appeared in my outer consciousness again when i opened an old portfolio. it lay there looking so inviting! It then became the surface for a drawing based on quilt patterns and mandalas I had been planning and sketching. it became a book quilt. it made perfect sense......

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